About Us
The McFaddens Entertainments is an Irish company, that has been in the entertainment business for many generations. The company has varied in form from drama and variety to circus and finally to funfair bringing many fond memories to the people of Ireland for many years.
The experience of the company management is unmatched in the industry as the company has participated in many different events in its life time. The aim of the company has always been to provide a fun and enjoyable atmosphere for all its customers and to bring success to any events that it takes part in.
The company has been a member of the showmans guild of Ireland since its establishment.
Download our 2011 Brochure (PDF, 8.6 MB)

Health & Safety
All funfair attractions are tested annually by a state appointed engineer to ensure all the machines are in perfect working order for the public. All machinery is also electricaly tested annually to ensure employee and public safety. As Health and Safety plays a major role in our company we are constantly updating our Health & Safety methods and enforcing them throughout the operation this will ensure the employees and public are safe and have a pleasant time.
McFaddens Entertainments acknowledge their duty under the Safety, Health & Welfare act to identify and asses hazards and risks associated with the companies activities.
The aim of the company is to provide a fun and safe form of entertainment and work for its customers and employees this involves the training of all employees in there day to day functions to look out for others aswell as themselves while engaged in company activities.